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This is a competition where participants showcase their creativity and skill in writing. To enter the competition , you must submit either a short story or a poem , and must be between the age of 15 and 25.The work you submit must be yours and must not have been posted anywhere else , and submitting something that is not yours will get you disqualified and removed from the competition.

The top 5 will be selected by our judges and contacted on 5 May 2019 through any form of contact that they'll submit during registeration. And after the selection , they'll be required to again submit another piece of their work which will be used in selecting the final winner.

SMS poll will be used for voting and selecting the final winner , so the remaining 5 will be given a special code which will be used for sms poll.

The winner will posted on all my social media platforms and will get a total amount of R300 , a free copy of JUMPIN MAC N JACK and a chance to be featured in my next book.

Click I AGREE to be redirected to the form or I DISAGREE to go back to home page.